Cool, 090909 finished!  20 hours marathon, which was about 26 hours for me (with 4 hours sleep) between last rehearsals, making last minutes media, recording, performing and watching other performances (I love to take part as an audience member)!  Briefly: interesting new drawing possibilities with the performance LINES (bravo Ben Unterman and team from Canada), effective and sober animations in SMITHS,  beautiful graphics and sounds in MAUI.  I didn’t see all of SNOW WHITE but enjoyed watching part of this twisted version.  Interesting to have at time some provocative thoughts in audience chat.

Last week, I heard an interesting and entertaining talk at writers festival about science-fiction & science! Believable or not, true, non-humans, future of our imagination,…
Saw some early films by Peter Greenaway on Sunday. We are lucky: big retrospective at GOMA cinematheque. Inspiring and also funny to see how some specific interests are still in the air: frame and rhythm / narrative & absurdity & surrealism……. “water wrackets” good treat for the eyes.
In “The Draughtsman’s Contract“, the frame in the frame (perspective drawing viewer in foreground of the filmic frame) is still stirring thoughts about the container, the contained, the abyss/huis clos, also how people move laterally in and out of the frame, like sliding doors.

Brisbane Festival started with an exhibition of LAND by Ulf Langheinrich, experiential digital field, like a macro imagery of particles forming, deforming and reforming spaces.  Powerful and hypnotic, I wished I could walk through this landscape, instead of being seated frontally.  “Genesis” by Benjamin Knapton(showing of a work in progress) with its multi-layered projections, although still needs to develop in terms of dramaturgy and playtime for devising, offered already clear and rich propositions.  I enjoyed this clarity and the openness for audience interpretation.

I am participating in the last theater show ever experiment, preparation phase, opening dialogues… Annie Abrahams mentioned an interesting theatre experiment at organised by Théâtre La Villette in Paris and takes places on the Internet.

Am in Sydney at the SEAM symposium, so will continue writing in the “travel” space of the blog.