From 9am Nauru Time on the 19th of July until 9am on the 20th of July 2018, people from around the world read The Nauru Files as part of a live event, streamed on Facebook – LINK. During the event we used the hashtag #NauruFilesLive
This networked performance commemorated 5 years of the “indefinite detention” of refugees and people seeking asylum who tried to reach Australia by boat, on or after the 19th of July 2013, and were deported by the Australian government to camps on Nauru and Manus Islands (3-4.500km away from Australia), so called “offshore processing centres”. Currently 12 people have died, and mental health is beyond alarming on both prison-islands.
By reading this document, we hoped to urge the Australian politicians to:
• evacuate the camps
• bring people to Australia to be processed fairly and swiftly.
• consider and talk about refugees and people seeking asylum with respect and humanity, respecting the Rule of Law, the International Human Rights Chart, the 1951 International Refugee Convention & 1967 Protocol.
THE NAURU FILES are leaked reports from staff (Save the Children teachers, case workers, recreational staff – some may have been written by security) relating to abuses, self-harms and neglects of refugees, including children. They were first published publicly by the Guardian and are available online – LINK.
This networked performance builds on “Reading the Nauru Files”, which was an 18-hour networked performance live on Facebook by James Cunningham and Suzon Fuks on the 19th of July 2017 in which they commemorate 4 years of “indefinite detention” – LINK.
Please allow time to load videos below
========READING #1=======
page 1 – 5 Suzon Fuks & James Cunningham #1
page 6-25 Sue Reid
page 26-45 Stace Callaghan
page 46-55 Remah Naji + Suzon Fuks & James Cunningham #2
page 56-66 Anna Yen
page 67-71 Ruby Rowat
page 72-78 Benedict Joseph
page 79-85 Kaz L Gibbs
page 86-93 Suzon Fuks & James Cunningham #3
page 94-97 Paula Fuks
page 98-107 Debbie Tennant
page 108-117 Karsy Bee & Erik
page 128-134 Karsy Bee
page 130-134 Anthea Falkenberg
page 135-144 Jenny Leahy
page 145-154 Katherine Lyall-Watson and Peter Cossar
page 155-159 Bec Lindsay
page 160-162 Suzon & James #4
========READING #2=======
Starts after 8pm Nauru time on Thursday 19 July
page 1-9 Liz Bryce
page 10-19 Alice Owen
page 20-29 Scotia Monkivitch
page 30-34 Scotia Monkivitch
page 35-39 Greg Hatzivayiannis
page 40-49 Annie Abrahams
page 42 Pascale Barret – French
page 50-59 Scotia Monkivitch
page 60-64 Katherine Lyall Watson
page 65-69 Amy Miller
page 70-71 Thomas Van Simaeys
page 75-84 Penelope Glass
page 85-94 Linda Lyn Cunningham
page 95-99 Linda Lyn Cunningham
page 100-109 Antonietta Muñoz & Constanza Puente
page 110-114 Cherry Truluck
page 115-119 Peter Halpin
page 120-129 Victoria Bansey
page 130-139 Jamie Moores
page 140-142 Tintin Wulia
page 143-145 Robin Taubenfeld
page 146-148 Camille Bloomfield (aka Campo di Fiori)
page 149-157 Katarina Djordjevic
page 158-162 Daniel Pinheiro
AASW Australian Association of Social Workers
AAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal
ABF Australian Border Force
ACEM Australasian College of Emergency Medicine
ACFID Australia Council for International Development
AHRC Australian Human Rights Commission
AFP Australian Federal Police
ALHR Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
AMA Australian Medical Association
ANAO Australian National Audit Office
APS Australian Psychological Society
ASRC Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
AWSWN Australian Women in Support of Women on Nauru
BCEO Brisbane Catholic Education Office
CAT Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment
CMO Chief Medical Officer
CPR Commonwealth Procurement Rules
CRC United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
CSS Connect Settlement Services
DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
DFR Doctors for Refugees
DIBP Department of Immigration and Border Protection
ERC Edmund Rice Centre
FCA Federal Court of Australia
FCC Federal Circuit Court
FOI Freedom of Information
HREOC Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission
HRLC Human Rights Law Centre
HRW Human Rights Watch
ICC International Criminal Court
ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
ICESCR International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
ICJ International Court of Justice
IHMS International Health and Medical Services
ILO International Labour Organization
IMA Irregular Maritime Arrival
JSS Jesuit Social Services
LCA Law Council of Australia
LGBT Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MYEFO Mid-Year Economic Fiscal Outlook
NGO Non-Government Organisation
OAIC Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
ODA Official Development Assistance
OPCAT Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
OSSTT Overseas Services to Survivors of Torture and Trauma
PBS Portfolio Budget Statement
PCBU Person conducting a business or undertaking
PNG Papua New Guinea
POMS Planning and Operational Management System
PRC Peoples Republic of China
PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
RACP Royal Australasian College of Physicians
RACGP Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
RANZCP Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
RCA Refugee Council of Australia
RPC Regional Processing Centre
RPNGC Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary
RSD Refugee Status Determination
SKM Sinclair Knight Mertz
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
UNLC University of Newcastle Legal Centre
USA United States of America
WHO World Health Organisation
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[…] 5 years of “indefinite detention” and – An 18h networked performance live on Facebook by James Cunningham and Suzon Fuks on 19 […]
[…] – A 24h networked performance live on Facebook with 50 people from around the world on the 19 July 2018 commemorating 5 years of “indefinite detention” and […]