Yes, got my both knees fixed (torn menisci), and I am on the road again!
I am following Bonemap process to make their new work COVE at KickArts/COCA in Cairns. I wanted to learn more about Isadora software for which one of the collaborators (Jason Holdsworth) programmed a patch for particles (using Freeframe + a library he found online with Star Trek particles!!!) and in exchange I am documenting.  Interesting work, but as usually with projections on black scrims, a nightmare to document!  The audient (only 1 person can enter the cove at a time) dives the screen, interacting at several levels: with the projected visuals initiated by Russell Milledge, the surround sound by Steven Campbell and with Rebecca Youdell the performer who takes people on a memory/dream-like journey.  To be experienced more than talked about!  Below, a making of/behind the scene video.

I also went to a dance meeting organised by Arts Nexus about a Dance strategy developed for Far North Queensland: interesting to see the diversity of people and cultures, always same question about how to connect with the art world and generate audience interest while so remote from capital cities.

I gave 2 presentations of my work to students from James Cook University and listen to a group of them pitching their project.