In February 2018, Amaranta Osorio was invited to participate in a feminist conference in Madrid. Following the audience’s response, she decided to put most of her stories into a play. She wrote the script, which got the Mention of the Jury for the Dolores de Castro Award, an important award in Mexico. Then, she decided to perform it and formed a team consisting of: Alicia Blass her former teacher  and scenographer in Madrid (who invited her to take part at that conference), Mohn a composer/sound engineer and designer we met in Avignon, James Cunningham movement consultant, and myself–Suzon Fuks–outside eye and video-scenographer.

The performance has been developed thanks to two residencies in Avignon at Artéphile and in Santiago at the Domo Teatro with co-producers: Igneous, Mestiza Chile Festival and Amaranta Osorio.

Work-in-progress showings:
– 2018: Mestiza Chile Festival
– 2019: Festival Tantidhatri in Kolkata, India | Symposium Theatre and Feminisms at RESAD in Madrid, Spain | upcoming: Transit Festival in Hostebro–Odin Teatret, Denmark

WHAT I DID NOT SAY is a multidisciplinary performance, about small and big violences that women cope with on a daily basis, related to their body, education, sexual abuse, insecurity and the social obligation of being pretty, quiet, smiling, productive and perfect.